
I’m a researcher and teacher in English literature and digital humanities.

Currently, I work as an Assistant Director and Digital Humanities Research Lead in the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. To learn more about me and my work, please see my bio or read about my teaching, research, and DH projects.

See my Bio
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My award-winning research draws on formal academic training in English literature (PhD, MA, BA) and digital humanities (Certificate). Areas of research expertise include:

  • Twentieth and twenty-first-century literatures in Canada
  • Literary modernism, including ’late’ and ‘global’ forms
  • Modern poetry and poetics
  • Literature and religion
  • Digital Humanities (digital publishing; archives; digitization, textual encoding, and transformation; digital research infrastructures; community engagement; and more)
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Teaching and mentoring—whether in the classroom, in a lab setting, and at academic events—is one of the most rewarding parts of my work. I have over a decade of experience teaching in higher education as well as a Certificate in University Teaching and Learning. I have taught and mentored in various roles, including:

  • University course designer and instructor
  • Undergraduate and graduate lecturer and guest speaker
  • In-lab supervisor for students and programmers from all over the world
  • Organizer and leader of conferences, workshops, talks, demos, and community-building sessions in Canada, the USA, Australia, England, the UAE, Poland, the Netherlands, and beyond
  • Employer—as Principal Investigator (academia) and Executive Director (industry)
  • Mentor for undergraduate and graduate students in English through working groups and academic societies
  • Research assistant and tutorial leader
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DH Projects

I have been involved in digital humanities (DH) projects for over a decade in various research, teaching, leadership, and development/designer/UX roles. This work builds on my industry experience as the former Executive Director of a web design company (2001-2011). Some of the grant-funded DH projects I’ve led or worked on include:

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